• Question: What are the key skill you need to be a scientist?

    Asked by anon-378757 on 10 Mar 2024.
    • Photo: Ryan Durnall

      Ryan Durnall answered on 10 Mar 2024:

      Curiosity. You can be the smartest person in the world, but the person who asks the most questions will gain the most knowledge, and knowledge is power! We also have a saying that I hear a lot in my job which is ‘There is no such thing as a stupid question’. It’s better to ask and find out how to do something right, even if it seems really simple, than pretend you know what you’re doing when you don’t, which can cause harm and be unsafe.

    • Photo: Ruth Augarde

      Ruth Augarde answered on 15 Mar 2024:

      Determination – as a scientist you will often get things wrong, or not know the answer first time. It is important to not give up! You need to try again, and maybe think through a problem in a new way. This is how discoveries and breakthroughs happen!
