How the Life Zone works

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The format
Chats with classes
Working with schools
Questions students ask
Time needed
Equipment needed

The Life Zone

I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here is an online STEM engagement activity for school students.

The Life Zone puts people in STEM  jobs across north east England in direct contact with school students.

Everything happens online, so it’s easy to get involved from your desk at times that suit your schedule.

The format

You create a profile, answer students’ questions and engage directly with classes in live text-only chats.
Students then vote for their favourite STEM person to win!

Chats with classes

Chats last up to 40 minutes. They happen in our simple chat room (all text, no video or audio needed).

Read about the advantages of being text-only ❯

Chats are fast paced and fun. Watch example chat

We don’t expect you to attend every chat! Sign up to whatever you can fit into your schedule.

Moderation of chatsA member of Life staff will moderate the chats to ensure everything runs smoothly and keep the conversation on track.

Questions students ask

I’m a Scientist is a student-led activity. This means students can ask anything they like. There could be questions about you, your work, and science in general, from robots to pizza toppings.

Time needed

The time commitment is flexible. The activity is designed so you can fit taking part around your normal schedule.

Before chats start, please spend 20 minutes filling out a profile.

Each live chat is 40 minutes.

Equipment needed

All that’s needed is a computer with internet access. The live chats are text-based and run through this site.

Everything is run through a web-browser, you don’t need to download any software.

Questions? Email