How the Life Zone works

Life’s new schools programme allows you to extend the Science Centre visit experience by bringing engaging STEM activities into your classroom too.

The Life Zone connects students with Life Science Centre and people working in STEM jobs across north east England.

In the activity, students:

  • Read about STEM jobs in the North East 
  • Chat with STEM experts, in real time 
  • Ask their questions about working in STEM
  • Vote for their favourite to win! 

For students of all abilities

The activity is pupil-led (students ask the questions they want to) so different age groups, ability levels, and backgrounds all get something out of it.

  • Suitable for Year 5/P6 to Year 13/S6
  • Primary and secondary
  • Special schools, pupil referral units, and other non-mainstream educational settings

Everything happens online

Students can take part from home or school – all they need is internet access.

β€œIt helps [to see] students in a different light. Some who are normally very quiet in school became very active in the chat.” –Teacher, I’m a Scientist May 2020

Secure experience

No personal details are shared on the site. Only students given access by their teacher can log in. Teachers can also moderate the Chat. 
All interaction is through text – there is no video or audio used – and we moderate all content.
Guide to Data and Safeguarding.

Fits into your timetable

The Visit Zone is a flexible online activity.

Liaise with Life’s Bookings Team to book live chats for the dates and time that suit you. Students can log in at any point to read scientist profiles and vote for their favourite.

β€œThe enthusiasm of the scientists involved is contagious and the children get very excited when questions are answered.” – Teacher, I’m a Scientist June 2019

Easy to set up and run

  1. Book your chat by contacting Life’s Bookings Team.
  2. We will send you login details for you and your class.
  3. Log in ahead of your chat to read about the STEM people you will be talking to.
  4. On the day of your chat login and click ‘Chat’. Chats are 40 minutes.
  5. After the chat click ‘Vote’ to choose your favourite STEM person.

Find out more:

If you have any questions at all, contact